Thursday, 25 March 2021

Prayer Reflection

 W.A.L.T plan a prayer routine.

In room 2 we created a prayer routine. We were in groups of four. My group chose the environment and animals because people are destroying the planet by throwing rubbish in nature and out of their car window while they are driving. That is not all that they are doing they are smoking and with all of that the animals are eating the rubbish and they are suffering from all the smoke that people are doing when they are smoking. My favorite part was praying for the animals that do not have a home and that they will get a home.                                                 🤩This is the slideshow that we did 🤩





Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Inquiry about Arctic fox

 W.A.L.T make connections with how different animals adapted to their environment.

I chose the animal because I think Arctic foxes are cute and fuzzy.

I think Arctic foxes are a very intelligent animal.

Friday, 12 March 2021

Swim Sports

W.A.L.T Reflect on our time at swimming sports 

Thursday, 4 March 2021

Tuesday, 2 March 2021

Thank you letter to Kerran

 W.A.L.T  Show appreciation in a written letter.

In room 2 we have been on camp and we have had some really good memories and we could not have done it without all the adults that helped out they made everything so fun. This is my thank you letter to Kerran, an adult from camp! Dear Kerran, Thank you for the help that you did in Arthurs pass camp. I liked the river crossing because it was sooo refreshing. Thank you for spreading positive thoughts and messages you are so kind and caring. I love how you put your time and effort to help out with others Yours Sincerely, Sophie :)