Friday, 26 February 2021

All about my time at camp!

W.A.L.T Reflect on our time away

 In room 2 we have been on camp and we were at Athurs pass. the best part about camp was not going to sleep because we got to hear Izzy sleep talking another good thing about Athers pass is having a nice warm shower because it was nice and relaxing. 

Thursday, 25 February 2021

Joe Spud

W.A.L.T write a acrostic poem about Joe spud

Junk clothes







Joe spud is a character in billionaire boy.

Thursday, 18 February 2021

Arthurs pass camp!!!

 Arthur's pass camp!!!

:My favorite was staying up late because we got to hear Izzy sleep talk.

:My second favorite eating because the food was delicious.

:spotlite because we were having fun.